Greetings from Camp Nakanawa!
This last week of camp has been full of so many adventures and smiles and we wouldn’t have it any other way! This session is coming to a close but plenty of brilliant memories and moments were made here and we hope that plenty more will be made next season! We can’t wait to see you again next year!
Monday: Monday was a regular class day. As we began to wind down our classes the campers strived to achieve their class goals. Free swim allowed campers some extra time to work on new skills in swimming, archery, or diving and time to complete art projects or have fun in nature. Monday evening Valkyries and Amazons each held their Rock meetings.
Tuesday: We did not wake up to the bell on Tuesday. We got to sleep a little late and go to the dining hall in our pajamas. We loved the pancakes and drinking hot chocolate! Because of storms on Sunday, Valkyrie Vespers was moved to Tuesday evening. We walked the hemlock trail down to the lake carrying candles and singing Follow the Gleam. It was a beautiful evening sitting on the dock singing. We could see and hear Valkyrie Vespers across the lake in Senior Camp.
Wednesday: Wednesday we awoke to a sunshiny day and our last day of regular classes. Laughter could be heard throughout camp as we enjoyed our last classes for the summer. Our Evening Entertainment was the Ms Nakanawa Pageant. Counselors dressed up in costumes and performed a talent before an appreciative camper audience and our official judges. Performances included dancing solo and duet, playing the recorder with your nose, and some funny skits. Oakley and Makenna were jointly crowned Ms Nakanawa for the 2021 summer!
Thursday: First thing Thursday was our Horse Show. The Olympic-themed 2021 Horse Show included classes of riders in fourth, fifth and sixth grades and a top group of five riders traditionally called Tally Ho who ride a short drill for the audience and compete for our riding cup to be announced at the final ceremony. Tally Ho until 2022!
Next we all went to the Council House for our final operetta run through. We are so excited for the Friday performance for Senior Camp! At our milk break, we enjoyed drinking some refreshing root beer that our 4th grader made in Nature class. Our morning ended with the Tumbling meet with campers competing for the Tumbling medal. After rest hour and our juicy cup break, we went to the tennis courts to watch the finals of the tennis meet. We watched to great matches! Next we traveled to the Archery field to watch the archers compete for the archery medal. Our final meet of the day was Nakanawa form swimming. Our Evening Entertainment was our final council ring. It was a beautiful night in the woods with the full moon shining overhead.
Friday: After breakfast, we raced to Egypt and then our cabins to get ready for our big Oklahoma! performance. We excitedly put on our boots, costumes and makeup. We got a coke too! Senior Camp arrived and we had a lovely dedication to Ann and Pepe. The Senior campers really loved our performance! Inspection runner up cabins went to Ann and Pepe’s for a coke float and the winner cabins went to their home for lunch. In the afternoon we went to the waterfront to watch the Diving and Canoeing meets. Then we had the exciting cake races! The 5th graders hosted a Salute to 6th Graders banquet. We enjoyed the great food and fun entertainment. Then teams held rock meetings. This year the Valkyries hosted the joint rock meeting attended by Amazon’s and counselors. After taps, we fell asleep to the beautiful songs of our counselor serenade.
Weekend Fun: Saturday we awoke to our final day of the 2021 summer. We are so sad to leave our friends, but excited to see our families. After breakfast, we had our team pep meetings. Then our final Games meet where we played mass soccer. Everyone cheered loudly for their team! Next we went to the Council House for the most improved assembly. We enjoyed cheering for our friends who were named most improved in the various classes. After our Grunch lunch it was time for the final camp event: Trophy assembly. This event began with the counselors singing the traditional “Trophy Night” song. Then Ann and Pepe named activity runner ups and medal winners. Our camp time ended with Ann and Pepe naming the Lady of the Braclet. Then we sang the camp almamater as we faced the lake. After a wonderful four weeks we look forward to next summer!
Activity Highlights
Archery – During our final classes of archery, the girls continued scoring and achieving new classifications. Campers had extra time at free swim to improve their skills. Thursday was the archery medal meet.
Arts and Crafts – Campers finished up watercolor sketchbooks by painting a picture of their cabins and Nature’s fairy gardens. What a fun walk! The 6th graders sketched and painted Lake Aloaloa.
Canoeing – This week we did adventure canoeing around the lake! The girls got to canoe to the floating dock, swim, and go off the slide! We had two girls become bladettes! It has been such a fun summer down at the canoeing docks.
Diving – This last week of classes the girls were able to learn whatever dive they wanted to learn. We had a fun last day of classes with free swim and free dive where they played games and learned new dives. We had a great medal meet on Friday where 6 girls participated with 3 dives each.
Games – The final week of Games was so fun. On Monday and Tuesday half the class went to Wall and the other half played lawn games. The lawn games included Bocce ball, Mollkey, and Kan-Jam. Then the next day we switched places. We ended our Games classes with a lively day of kickball.
Glee Club – Glee Club was full of activity this last week! We practiced many camp songs, emphasizing our end of camp tunes. We learned Lady of the Bracelet which we will sing to the outstanding 6th grade camper on the last day. We also learned our special song to honor Ann and Pepe before the operetta.We put the finishing touches on our choreography and vocals for the operetta. Oklahoma! has been a fun and exciting operetta. It is so special to see the 90+ campers learn the art of musical theater! Introducing the girls to the performing arts is valuable in making them well-rounded and giving them the experience of cooperation within a cast. They performed beautifully and everyone was so proud! You will love the video and watch it over and over at home!
Nature – We had a super final week in Nature. The 5th and 6th graders practiced fire building skills and learned to cook individual cinnamon rolls over the fire. Our Nature scavenger hunt had teams of girls scurrying all over camp trying to catch a butterfly, scoop something live from the lake, catch a fish on a pole, find a tiny toad and much more. The annual TRY-athalon encouraged girls to take a chance and hold a daddy long legs, beetles, a snapping turtle, a six-foot rat snake and other critters we have learned about this summer. We were impressed with how far these girls have come in learning what camp creatures to avoid (red velvet ants, stinging caterpillars) and that so many are nothing to fear. During the final days, the remaining two girls ratcheted up their courage so we ended up with 100 percent snake holders. We were all excited when the Nakanawa fairies left some tiny letters and gifts to thank the creators of their villages. On the last day of classes, we visited the Magic Maple tree which leans out over the lake and is perfect for jumping off. A big adventure for all! We hope the girls will continue their enjoyment of nature throughout the year.
Riding – During our short fourth week of classes at the Junior Camp barn, campers reviewed skills in the arena and were allowed freedom of choice for final lessons. Girls chose the horses they wanted to ride, then took turns riding independently in small groups steering short courses and learning to trot safely; other small groups washed and groomed horses or enjoyed jogging the ring alongside our ponies – racetrack style. The time with soapsuds, mane combs, and bouncy ponies increased comfort level and enjoyment with horses that translated into trust and confidence in the saddle. What a fun way to finish!
Swimming – For the last few swimming classes, campers worked on building their skills for the cake races. The campers worked on kicking and strokes in hopes to be the winner of a cake! Extra practice and swimming for swim-a-mile continued during free swim.
Tennis – For the last week of tennis, we focused on going over everything we learned and working on serves. The girls learned how a formal tennis game is played and got to play each other applying all that they learned throughout the month. For our medal meet, we had our two finalists play each other for first place. The girls played a formal tennis match and the whole camp got to watch and appreciate the game.
Wall – Being the last week in Wall, the girls have enjoyed having some fun, bouldering however they like, practicing for the medal meet, & playing four square while they wait their turn to boulder! Each girl has tried very hard to achieve around the world, & a lot of them have done so, or come very close.
What a great summer! See you next summer.
Love from the Junior counselor staff.
Tuesday: We did not wake up to the bell on Tuesday. We got to sleep a little late and go to the dining hall in our pajamas. We loved the pancakes and drinking hot chocolate! Because of storms on Sunday, Valkyrie Vespers was moved to Tuesday evening. We walked the hemlock trail down to the lake carrying candles and singing Follow the Gleam. It was a beautiful evening sitting on the dock singing. We could see and hear Valkyrie Vespers across the lake in Senior Camp.
Wednesday: Wednesday we awoke to a sunshiny day and our last day of regular classes. Laughter could be heard throughout camp as we enjoyed our last classes for the summer. Our Evening Entertainment was the Ms Nakanawa Pageant. Counselors dressed up in costumes and performed a talent before an appreciative camper audience and our official judges. Performances included dancing solo and duet, playing the recorder with your nose, and some funny skits. Oakley and Makenna were jointly crowned Ms Nakanawa for the 2021 summer!
Thursday: First thing Thursday was our Horse Show. The Olympic-themed 2021 Horse Show included classes of riders in fourth, fifth and sixth grades and a top group of five riders traditionally called Tally Ho who ride a short drill for the audience and compete for our riding cup to be announced at the final ceremony. Tally Ho until 2022!
Next we all went to the Council House for our final operetta run through. We are so excited for the Friday performance for Senior Camp! At our milk break, we enjoyed drinking some refreshing root beer that our 4th grader made in Nature class. Our morning ended with the Tumbling meet with campers competing for the Tumbling medal. After rest hour and our juicy cup break, we went to the tennis courts to watch the finals of the tennis meet. We watched to great matches! Next we traveled to the Archery field to watch the archers compete for the archery medal. Our final meet of the day was Nakanawa form swimming. Our Evening Entertainment was our final council ring. It was a beautiful night in the woods with the full moon shining overhead.
Friday: After breakfast, we raced to Egypt and then our cabins to get ready for our big Oklahoma! performance. We excitedly put on our boots, costumes and makeup. We got a coke too! Senior Camp arrived and we had a lovely dedication to Ann and Pepe. The Senior campers really loved our performance! Inspection runner up cabins went to Ann and Pepe’s for a coke float and the winner cabins went to their home for lunch. In the afternoon we went to the waterfront to watch the Diving and Canoeing meets. Then we had the exciting cake races! The 5th graders hosted a Salute to 6th Graders banquet. We enjoyed the great food and fun entertainment. Then teams held rock meetings. This year the Valkyries hosted the joint rock meeting attended by Amazon’s and counselors. After taps, we fell asleep to the beautiful songs of our counselor serenade.
Weekend Fun: Saturday we awoke to our final day of the 2021 summer. We are so sad to leave our friends, but excited to see our families. After breakfast, we had our team pep meetings. Then our final Games meet where we played mass soccer. Everyone cheered loudly for their team! Next we went to the Council House for the most improved assembly. We enjoyed cheering for our friends who were named most improved in the various classes. After our Grunch lunch it was time for the final camp event: Trophy assembly. This event began with the counselors singing the traditional “Trophy Night” song. Then Ann and Pepe named activity runner ups and medal winners. Our camp time ended with Ann and Pepe naming the Lady of the Braclet. Then we sang the camp almamater as we faced the lake. After a wonderful four weeks we look forward to next summer!
Activity Highlights
Archery – During our final classes of archery, the girls continued scoring and achieving new classifications. Campers had extra time at free swim to improve their skills. Thursday was the archery medal meet.
Arts and Crafts – Campers finished up watercolor sketchbooks by painting a picture of their cabins and Nature’s fairy gardens. What a fun walk! The 6th graders sketched and painted Lake Aloaloa.
Canoeing – This week we did adventure canoeing around the lake! The girls got to canoe to the floating dock, swim, and go off the slide! We had two girls become bladettes! It has been such a fun summer down at the canoeing docks.
Diving – This last week of classes the girls were able to learn whatever dive they wanted to learn. We had a fun last day of classes with free swim and free dive where they played games and learned new dives. We had a great medal meet on Friday where 6 girls participated with 3 dives each.
Games – The final week of Games was so fun. On Monday and Tuesday half the class went to Wall and the other half played lawn games. The lawn games included Bocce ball, Mollkey, and Kan-Jam. Then the next day we switched places. We ended our Games classes with a lively day of kickball.
Glee Club – Glee Club was full of activity this last week! We practiced many camp songs, emphasizing our end of camp tunes. We learned Lady of the Bracelet which we will sing to the outstanding 6th grade camper on the last day. We also learned our special song to honor Ann and Pepe before the operetta.We put the finishing touches on our choreography and vocals for the operetta. Oklahoma! has been a fun and exciting operetta. It is so special to see the 90+ campers learn the art of musical theater! Introducing the girls to the performing arts is valuable in making them well-rounded and giving them the experience of cooperation within a cast. They performed beautifully and everyone was so proud! You will love the video and watch it over and over at home!
Nature – We had a super final week in Nature. The 5th and 6th graders practiced fire building skills and learned to cook individual cinnamon rolls over the fire. Our Nature scavenger hunt had teams of girls scurrying all over camp trying to catch a butterfly, scoop something live from the lake, catch a fish on a pole, find a tiny toad and much more. The annual TRY-athalon encouraged girls to take a chance and hold a daddy long legs, beetles, a snapping turtle, a six-foot rat snake and other critters we have learned about this summer. We were impressed with how far these girls have come in learning what camp creatures to avoid (red velvet ants, stinging caterpillars) and that so many are nothing to fear. During the final days, the remaining two girls ratcheted up their courage so we ended up with 100 percent snake holders. We were all excited when the Nakanawa fairies left some tiny letters and gifts to thank the creators of their villages. On the last day of classes, we visited the Magic Maple tree which leans out over the lake and is perfect for jumping off. A big adventure for all! We hope the girls will continue their enjoyment of nature throughout the year.
Riding – During our short fourth week of classes at the Junior Camp barn, campers reviewed skills in the arena and were allowed freedom of choice for final lessons. Girls chose the horses they wanted to ride, then took turns riding independently in small groups steering short courses and learning to trot safely; other small groups washed and groomed horses or enjoyed jogging the ring alongside our ponies – racetrack style. The time with soapsuds, mane combs, and bouncy ponies increased comfort level and enjoyment with horses that translated into trust and confidence in the saddle. What a fun way to finish!
Swimming – For the last few swimming classes, campers worked on building their skills for the cake races. The campers worked on kicking and strokes in hopes to be the winner of a cake! Extra practice and swimming for swim-a-mile continued during free swim.
Tennis – For the last week of tennis, we focused on going over everything we learned and working on serves. The girls learned how a formal tennis game is played and got to play each other applying all that they learned throughout the month. For our medal meet, we had our two finalists play each other for first place. The girls played a formal tennis match and the whole camp got to watch and appreciate the game.
Wall – Being the last week in Wall, the girls have enjoyed having some fun, bouldering however they like, practicing for the medal meet, & playing four square while they wait their turn to boulder! Each girl has tried very hard to achieve around the world, & a lot of them have done so, or come very close.
What a great summer! See you next summer.
Love from the Junior counselor staff.

2021 Four Week Junior Runners Up

2021 Four Week Junior Medalists
