Support Camp Nakanawa
To educate and empower girls and young women through outdoor experiences enabling them to reach their potential.
Camp Nakanawa develops the potential of girls and young women in a nurturing environment to discover their own excellence while developing lifelong friendships. We fulfill this vision by cultivating character, confidence, courage, kindness, and leadership.Â

Camp Nakanawa has a long and storied past. Each of us associated with camp, whether for the summer or year round, can help ensure that Nakanawa will have an equally great future. After more than a hundred years of continuous operation as a privately owned tradition- al, all-girls summer camp, in October 2021 Nakana- wa’s owners filed official paperwork to convert to a non-profit governed by a Board of Directors. Nakanawa has been operating as a non-profit since that day and duly received its IRS 501(c)(3) approval in December 2022. Today, we operate with the same lasting, time tested values and traditions that have made Nakanawa so impactful in the lives of five generations of campers and counselors.