General Reunion Information

With a goal of encouraging more alumnae to return to camp, we are excited to welcome REUNIONS to join us at Service Weekend. These reunions will be a chance to sleep in cabins, canoe, zip, and relax. Stay up late, sleep late, enjoy ā€œHappy Am I Hourā€ on the Crows Nest. A volunteer group of “TIES Ladies” will provide coordination for the weekend. TIES will continue to hold JULY REUNIONS during camp, for significant TR celebrations.Ā 

TIES will work with each Reunion Chair to plan your weekend at camp. Since the food and lodging will all be taken care of, the Reunion Chairā€™s main role will be communicating with your group and providing feedback to us about preferred activities, special needs, etc. Please register with our new Alumnae Directory to view who is the Reunion Chair for your Tent Row and to sign up for any TIES Events.Ā 

We use TR years to connect people with their age group. If you did not attend for your TR year, use your high school graduation year minus one. All former campers and counselors are welcome, whether you attended for one session or ten years!!Ā 

Please read on to find out when your TR group has a special invitation to come back (though you are always welcome!)! We canā€™t wait to see you all ā€œbeneath the shining stars and tall trees.ā€

*If you have registration questions, please contact our office at

Upcoming TIES Events

Service Weekend 2025

MAY 16-18
Register by: May 3rd
No charge, but options to defray food costs.

Join us to help get camp ready to welcome back the campers this summer. All hands on deck! Registration coming in early 2025.

May 16-18
Register by: May 3rd
Cost: $50 minimum, with more options to defray food costs.

Have your REUNION at Service Weekend! Have fun sleeping in cabins, canoeing on Lake Aloaloa, and so much more.Ā 

Reunion Weekend 2025

JULY 18-20
Register by: July 5th
Cost: $25 – $45

Mark your calendars and plan to celebrate the special gathering of TR years!

*For further detail on each event follow below.*

You don’t need to login, simply click the link provided above to register for the event.
*If you have registration questions, please contact our office at

Camp nakanawa
Want to give back to Camp withĀ your time, energy, and “Smile, Pep!” Camp friends come together to roll up their sleeves and dive in to pre-Camp maintenance projects, with all the fun thrown in, too.Ā Registration forĀ Service Weekend 2025Ā is open in the coming weeks. Be sure to markĀ May 16ā€“18, 2025Ā on your calendar, and plan to join us for a weekend filled with purpose and fun.

Weekend Coordinator: Alex SeblatniggĀ Ā 

Camp nakanawa

Information on July Reunion Celebrations During Camp

  • Date: Held on the third weekend of Four Week Camp
  • Tent Row Year Designation: We use TR years in order to keep people with their age group. If you did not attend for your TR year, use your high school graduation year minus one. All former campers and counselors are welcome.
  • Anniversaries to be Celebrated each July: Year 1, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50.
    We have limited the number of groups invited each year in order to lessen the impact on the campers.Ā 
  • Reunion Chairs: We need one volunteer from your TR group to act as Reunion Chair. The TIES Reunion Committee will communicate with the Chairs to assist you in planning, finding accommodations near camp, travel, searching for lost members, etc.
  • REGISTER! Please register online as soon as your plans are made. It is important to have an accurate count as we plan for food and programs.Ā 

SAVE THE DATE: When Is Your Next July Reunion?
July 2025Ā Ā Ā  TRs ending in 5 plus TR 24 & TR 00
July 2026Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 6 plus TR 25 & TR 01
July 2027Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 7 plus TR 26 & TR 02
July 2028Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 8 plus TR 27 & TR 03
July 2029Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 9 plus TR 28 & TR 04
July 2030Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 0 plus TR 29 & TR 05
July 2031Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 1 plus TR 30 & TR 06
July 2032Ā  Ā  TRs ending in 2 plus TR 31 & TR 07
* These are target dates. If your TR group needs to schedule your reunion for a different summer, we will be glad to assist.Ā 

Role of Your Reunion Chair for July Reunions
The main responsibilities will be communicating with your group to get the date on everyoneā€™s calendars, reminding people to register for the weekend, and reserving a place to stay. (Refer to the Local Accommodations below) Our TIES Ladies group will be glad to assist, before and during the weekend.

We have begun a Reunion Weekend tradition of remembering friends and family members we have recently lost. At each Reunion Weekend, we will hold a lakeside memorial service for all who choose to attend.

Weekend Highlights: Varsity Soccer Game, War Canoe Race, Rock Meetings, Council Ring in Jr., Sunday Church Service, Reunion Luncheon in Honor of TR 1, Evening program on the Crows Nest with Gold Carson Crosses presented to the 50th Reunion, and musical presentations by all TR groups.


Friday evening
Junior: Evening Ent. in the Playhouse
Senior: Prom in the Kiosk

Morning: Senior: Soccer Meet, Junior: Archery &Ā  Water Meets
1:00pm: Nakanawa TIES Luncheon in honor of 1 Year Reunion group, followed by Memorial Service
2:00pm: Rest hour in camp ā€“ Guests at Library, Soccer Field; in Junior at Games Field
3:45pm: Senior: Water Meet, Junior: Land Meet
6:00pm: Dinner – Reunion Guests on their own for dinner.
Senior: Reunion Group songs, and presentation of gold crosses to 50th Reunion at the Crows Nest, Rock Meetings (former campers invited)
Junior: Council Ring

Senior: War Canoe Races
12:00pm: Senior: Counselor Church
1:00pm: Lunch for campers ā€“ reunion attendees on their own (you are welcome to bring a picnic to camp)
2:00pm: Rest hour in camp ā€“ guests at Library, Soccer Field, or Games Field in Junior
4:00pm: Senior: Tennis then Archery Meets, Junior: Cabin activities
6:30pm: Grunch supper for campers ā€“ reunion attendees on their own
7:30pm: Valkyrie Vespers

Weekend Coordinator: Donya Rose

Camp nakanawa

Lodging Options

In - Camp Lodging (This is for Decade Reunion and Service Weekend ONLY)

While the majority of the attendees will be staying in cabins and using Egypt and Paradise, camp does have alternatives for those who need them. In Senior Camp there are six places with en suite bathrooms (i.e. the Guest House, the Infirmary.) These will be reserved on a first come basis. Again this is only for the Decade Reunion and Service Weekend ONLY!

Near - Camp Lodging

This is for July Reunion and if you want to attend the Decade Reunion but need more of the comforts of home, here isĀ  a list of nearby possibilities (within 15 minutes of camp). These options include a nice motel, an upscale B&B, and a retreat center. Individuals are responsible for making their own reservations off-site.