All hail and Farewell to Lyn Brantley

I am very pleased to pass the gavel to Wyeth Outlan Burgess (TR 75) who will serve as the 2024 President of the Board of Directors of Camp Nakanawa. It has truly been an honor to devote time and effort to Nakanawa as the Board President. The title was, after all, a significant upgrade to my Nakanawa resume which included Path Sweeper, Marshmallow Stick Finder, Council Ring Brave, Assistant to the Wild Woman, and Head of Evening Entertainment.

But seriously. I invite you to take a look at the 2021-2024 Nakanawa Strategic Plan (available on the website under Giving/Support Camp Nakanawa) to see what we’ve been doing.  In a very short time, we have made great strides forward, already accomplishing many of our goals and we are well on track to complete the others.

Our success is only possible through the dedication and hard work of many. Thanks to Ann and Pepe whose magnificent gift of the camp grounds and facilities with the vision to ensure that our camp has another hundred years of history, launched us on the non-profit path. Thank you to Karen Hale for coming onboard as the Executive Director and adding to her already thorough camp knowledge. Stop and look at page 173 of your Nakanawa History book to see a photograph of Karen Hale in 1980 with two future Nakanawa board members, all wearing red and yes, I am on her left.

Thank you to everyone in the office and on the year-round staff for being on the front lines. You are critical to meeting the many daily challenges. Nakanawa’s Board of Directors is filled with strong, smart, and experienced leaders who will carry us forward. Thank you to Wyeth Outlan Burgess, Sally Tubb Welch, Ginny Bass Carl, Georgia Graham Mattern, Pamela Griffiths Pabian, Mary Shearer Baker, Amanda Forgason Dempsey, and Jeff Blake. Thank you to the Committees of the Board for, literally, a thousand hours of your time, enthusiasm, and energy. Finally, a thank you to each camper, counselor, and person who has given time, thoughts, effort and financial support to Nakanawa. Please continue to attend great events like service weekend, reunion, or mother daughter weekend 

If you’ve been away from camp for a while, it’s time to come back. What you remember – working hard in activities, rooting for your team, and laughing endlessly with your friends – is still here. Come and listen to the teams cheering, or the gravel around the cabins crunching, or the bell ringing, or the door to Egypt slamming. Come and walk on the big beautiful new Junior Camp docks or sit on the Senior Crow’s Nest for a perfect Camp Nakanawa sunset. There is nothing else like it, anywhere.

Best, Lyn Brantley


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