Ann says "Hi!"
Hi, Everyone!
I’m Ann Mitchell Perron. That’s me on the left with my sister Janet. As most of you know, Pepe and I are the camp directors and live at camp year ’round in the Big House in Senior Camp. I wanted to tell you about the time that I returned to camp during my summer off as a school teacher.
I returned to Nakanawa after an SOS was sent out from my sister to fill a vacancy on the staff mid-season. Being an Elementary School Art Teacher for grades 4-6 gave me summers of freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, as long as my husband agreed!
I came, got involved with the campers, staff, horses and riding, and returned for many summers. It was very different returning to camp after being in the “real world” for several years. As a teacher in a public school, you can really appreciate the true purpose of a camp setting and the benefits to be gained by everyone that is fortunate enough to live in such a setting if only for a few weeks.
There is a feeling of community at camp. Everyone is eager to help others, become involved, give of themselves, share knowledge, and freely give hugs, physically and emotionally. You seem to have more time to watch a snake move along through the grass and not be frightened; listen to the music of the birds and enjoy the fresh, cool air of early morning; appreciate the squirrels and chipmunks as they scamper and play; notice all the flowers and beauty that surrounds you; enjoy the laughter and singing of campers all around you; and feel the presence of God.
There are women of all ages, sizes, shapes, and backgrounds at camp. There is much to be learned by each and every one of them. The mature staff members are the mentors and role models for the younger counselors. The younger counselors are the mentors and role models for the campers. The campers provide the energy and enthusiasm to keep camp vibrant and alive! Everyone works together to provide a safe, healthy, happy environment.
Pepe and I are looking forward to a wonderful summer.
See you soon!