Camp Nakanawa celebrated its 100th Anniversary on July 19th – July 21st. Over 750 alumni, friends and families traveled near and far to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Camp was filled with laughter, excitement, singing and much more. Hearing the sounds of former campers greeting each other after many years with hugs and tears was beautiful. There were many stories told by every generation of campers and counselors. All were able to revel in the natural beauty of Nakanawa, watch team events, canoe on the lake, participate in the Reunion Octet & Choir, attend Former Team Rock Meetings, The Amazon Serenade, Valkyrie Vespers and The Centennial Celebration Program. The Grand Prize, though, was the re connection with so many Nakanawa Friends, seeing all of the Nakanawa Traditions that are still going strong and making memories to last our whole life through. Thanks for all who came to celebrate with Nakanawa on her 100th Anniversary! Hope to see you all again soon!