Staff Activity Options
Following is a list of classes which are taught at Nakanawa with a brief description of each. To receive more information and a staff application, use our Request Form.
ARCHERY: Basic skills are taught using American Archery Association rules and classifications. Individual and team competitions are held.
ARTS & CRAFTS: A wide variety of crafts are taught, such as needlework, macramé, painting, weaving, jewelry making, sculpture, and paper mache. A basic knowledge of many different skills is desired. Excellent facilities and materials available.
CANOEING: Every camper learns the basic strokes and handling of canoe and row boat. Calm water paddling only with emphasis on form and grace. Must have Lifeguard Training to instruct.
CERAMICS: A basic knowledge of clay, glazes, and how to fire an electric kiln. Offered in Senior Camp only.
CLIMBING WALL/ZIP LINE: Must have a thorough knowledge of climbing wall and zip line operations including belaying, safety precautions, and basic training. Safety certification is required and will be provided by Nakanawa.
COMMISSARY/MAIL: Camp store and mail house located in both camps. Store is open each day following rest hour and in Senior Camp at 11:40 for apple break. Responsible for stocking store and selling items.
DANCE: Any type of creative dance, from modern dance to aerobics or even square dancing. A selection of records and tapes are available. A knowledge of routines for teaching is necessary. A dance program is often staged at the close of camp.
DINING ROOM HOSTESS: In charge of 20 to 25 “aides” who set, serve, and clear the tables. Responsibilities include working with kitchen staff, monitoring dining hall during meals, and setting up weekly seating charts.
DIVING: Ability to teach all basic dives and work on optionals with advanced divers. Diving meets held. Must have Lifeguard Training to instruct.
DRAMA: Both camps have stages and extensive costumes. In Senior Camp, one-act plays are usually presented: in Junior Camp, a children’s operetta is staged with all Junior campers having a part in it.
FENCING: A thorough knowledge of fencing is required. Good fencing equipment is supplied.
GAMES: Newcomb, softball, volleyball, soccer, archery, and simple relay games are played for fun and competitively. A basic knowledge of a wide variety of games is best. Offered in Junior Camp only.
GLEE CLUB: Music is an important ingredient of camp life, Camp songs are taught to our new campers and any other songs that would be fun for the group to sing. Popular, folk, silly songs, and religious. A piano is available in each camp along with music and camp songbooks. In Senior, we offer a Choir/Octet class and in Junior, the operetta is the key focus. The instructor is also responsible for music on Sundays for church. Being able to play the piano is helpful but not necessary.
GOLF: Basics taught at camp with putting green and driving range. Trip made to local golf course at close of session for actual play.
GYMNASTICS & TUMBLING: A knowledge of basic gymnastic skills with emphasis on safety. Tumbling mats in both camps.
HAND BELLS: We have three octaves of brass hand bells and music. Ability to read music and teach the basics of rhythm and sight reading is needed. Bells are played for church on Sundays and special programs.
HORSEBACK RIDING: English riding is taught with emphasis on learning the basics of English riding, handling of horses, care of tack. There are about 21 camp-owned horses and the riding staff assists with the feeding, watering, and general care of the horses and barns.
LIFEGUARD TRAINING: Must have WSI and be qualified to teach the certified Red Cross Lifeguard Training course and give written test and practicals. Offered in Senior Camp only.
NATURE: Must have a thorough knowledge of nature and a background of experience in this area. Offered in Junior Camp only.
NEWSLETTER: A camp newsletter is written each week, turned into the Senior Camp office on Sunday night, and then sent to all parents. It must be well written and contain details and highlights of all camp events.
NURSE: There are Infirmaries in both Junior and Senior Camps and the Nurse is on call at all times. Living quarters are provided in the infirmaries and there is a doctor on the camp premises at all times. All medications needed by the campers are kept in their respective infirmaries.
RIFLERY: National Riflery Association rules and classifications are used. Must have basic knowledge of rifles, how to clean and fix minor problems. Emphasis on safety. Offered to Senior Campers only who are at least 15 years only.
SAILING: Small prams, two Sunfish, two Scorpions, and one 14 ft. catamaran. Basic handling is taught with written tests on knots, parts of the sailboats, etc. Must have Lifeguard Training to instruct. Offered in Senior Camp only.
SOCCER: Played competitively between teams. Must have thorough knowledge of skills, rules, drills and teaching techniques. Offered in Senior Camp only.
SOFTBALL: Played competitively between teams. Basic knowledge of rules, skills and teaching techniques needed. Offered in Senior Camp only.
SWIMMING: All campers take swimming. Emphasis is on form with racing and distance swimming. Swim meets held with races, relays, form. Must have Lifeguard Training to teach. WSI is desirable.
TABLE TENNIS: Played competitively between teams. Must have thorough knowledge of skills, rules, drills, and teaching techniques. Offered in Senior Camp only.
TEAM SPONSOR: One or two counselors needed to sponsor the Amazon or Valkyrie Teams. Must be former camper.
TENNIS: All campers take tennis. The more experience the better, but counselors are needed to work with beginners, advanced beginners, intermediates, and advanced players. A sound knowledge of the basics is essential.
VOLLEYBALL: Played competitively between teams. Basic knowledge of rules, skills, and teaching techniques needed. Offered in Senior Camp only.