Tips on Cabin Life
Hi everyone,
My name is Tiny McPhillips. That’s me with my camp friend of old, Holly, at one of camp’s Service Weekend events. (I’m the “huggy” one on the right!)
When I was 8 years old my mother shipped me off to Nakanawa for 8 weeks! I had been begging to go since I was 4! You see, my mother and all of my sisters had been Nakanawa campers, so, naturally, I thought being a “Nakanawa Girl” was the greatest thing in the world! That was back in 1965, and I will be approaching my 37th summer at camp. You may wonder what kept me coming back all these years, and all I can say is that Nakanawa has become my home in many ways. Even with a husband and 4 children, I have continually felt the “pull” of the “Spirit of Nakanawa” every summer!
Now that my children are grown, and I have grandchildren of my own, I am blessed to continue to enjoy the presence of children in my life. During the year, as an assistant teacher, and in the summer, with the Junior campers. These days, with our “plugged-in” lifestyles of electronics and cell phones, Ipods, computers, etc.,it is very rewarding to witness the “unplugging” of the girls as they get settled in at Nakanawa. They are free to be little girls again- to be silly and play and enjoy nature and friendships that they will cherish for a lifetime, as I have.
As far as advice goes-people that know me will testify that I am “full of it” where camp is concerned! So here goes-
Do you want a happy, congenial, caring, and thoughtful cabin? Do you want to love being in your cabin and hanging out with your bunkies?
Well, let me share the wisdom of one of my mentors, Casey Fisher, from my 1st year as a cabin counselor. She told us that our first week needed to be spent earning the girls’ respect and obedience. Make sure they know who is in charge at cabin clean-up time, rest hour, and bedtime. Once you establish a consistent routine, THEN you can show them your “softer” side! I promise you, this is the best way to manage your bunkies-I guarantee this approach will work and free you to have a fabulous summer full of magical moments with your bunkies, instead of maddening moments arguing about what is expected of them!!
Another trick to cabin cleanliness is to straighten up at night before they go to bed. This is a great way to keep up with everything and not be so overwhelmed every morning. Who wants to wake up to a mess every day? Then after lunch, right before rest hour, have another short straightening up time. Cleaning in small intervals helps!!!
Keep in mind though, that all of this takes TIME-time spent IN THE CABIN…not in the Counselor’s Bunk (CB). The old saying, “you only get out of something what you put into it” applies especially to being a cabin counselor.
These little girls will love you immediately-give them your time and attention and you will make lasting relationships. Also, please know that the non-cabin counselors are there for anything you need-call on us! We are (or try to be) a wealth of information, patience, and experience!
Another point to bring up is our unity as a staff concerning cabin life. The campers need to know that we are all dedicated to giving them the best summer of their lives. Their parents are paying mega bucks to send them to camp-it is our job and our responsibility to make sure that their daughter is given enough attention, is well cared for, and is happy. I overheard a group of parents commenting about the condition of the cabin when they visited Nakanawa. One said the cabin looked like a bomb had gone off!!! One said that her daughter had lost many articles of clothing and no wonder when she saw how chaotic and messy the cabin was! It left these families with a bad impression of camp, and of the counselor. Moms and dads really want their daughters to learn cleanliness and personal responsibility at camp, and the condition of the cabin is a true indicator of how well their counselor has done in this area!
Your success as a counselor corresponds totally with the happiness of your bunkies. If your campers are well cared for and attended to, you will have done the job you have been hired to do!!
This is an awesome responsibility! I can’t wait to meet each of you, and congratulations on landing the best summer job ever! Please feel free to ask for my help anytime!